Katja on DSF

1. June 2006 | Category: 50outs

Michi_und_katjaOver the last three days Katja was in Munich, commenting the Womans Open for DSF along with Michael Körner. The series will be aired starting tomorrow for about a week. Katja told me she had much fun doing the commenting. Also BILD Hamburg will post a (small?) article about her about Saturday. Go, watch DSF! Katja is playing the event herself also so in the first heat you will SEE and HEAR her commenting her own play and thinking. I think that is an awefull good idea from DSF.

In other news while Katja was away I went to the local €200 live tournament and got busted without winning one single pot. What the hell I thought, I make this up in the 10/20 limit cashgame. 90 minutes later, €1000 poorer I went home with tail between the legs, not winning one single pot again. And that was a really difficult thing as I was playing virtually every hand preflop!

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